Dental Implants FAQ
The procedure is performed with local anesthetics and is pain-free. Painkillers, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory are prescribed which maximally protect from pain.
An incision is made in the gum the implant will be placed. A small hole is drilled in the bone, the implant is placed into the hole in the bone and the incision is stitched closed. At the end of the healing period prosthetic restorations are constructed such as crowns, bridges or dentures (overdentures)
The dentist individually determines indications and contraindications during the first consultation visit. Yes, there are certain contraindications, however new technologies keep eliminating many of them as time goes by. For example, age is no longer a contraindication.
Success rate is approximately 97%. If the first procedure isn’t definitive, however, replantation is possible.
By following dentist instructions such as daily hygiene, and control visits there is no limit to the implant lifetime. The first implantation performed by professor Branemark is still in place 51 years later. Everything depends on individual clinical situation (quality and quantity of bone and type of prosthodontics restoration), and patient’s health. There is a guarantee for the actual procedure.
Hygiene does not differ from caring for own teeth; including annual control visits and professional implant cleaning.
Esthetic Dentistry FAQ
Teeth whitening done under a dentist’s supervision is absolutely safe for the teeth and gums; the only inconvenience which might occur after whitening is temporary teeth sensitivity which usually disappears within 24 hours.
Contraindications to whitening are: pregnancy, breast feeding, epilepsy, and the age under 16.
The whitening effect may last from ca. 6 months to 2-3 years; it depends on dietary habits, level of oral hygiene and individual predispositions. After this time the treatment may be repeated.
The so-called „48-hour white diet“ is necessary after treatment ends: coffee, tea, dark juices and other "coloured" drinks and foods should be avoided as well as tobacco smoking.
Hardly bleachable teeth discolouration, enamel and dentine defects, unaesthetic front teeth restorations, damaged teeth margins, chipping of the incisal edges, diastema or gaps between the teeth, the shape of front teeth the patient cannot accept.
Yes: habitual teeth grinding, some types of malocclusion and bad oral hygiene are the contraindications to porcelain veneers. They are not applied on non-vital teeth, after root canal treatment and on the teeth with big restorations. All-ceramic crowns are optimal solutions in such cases.
The latest tests performed on a group of over 1400 patients wearing porcelain veneers have confirmed their high longevity. In 93% of cases their longevity is 10 years which means that for each 100 of porcelain veneers applied 93 are in their optimal shape after 10 years of wearing, performing their functions well; this result is much better than for dental fillings.
Yes, at the initial examination a dentist will decide on the best method of restoring your teeth to their natural uniform colour.
Yes, this is a textbook indication to intra-dental whitening. Even for a blue-gray teeth we guarantee the restoration to their natural colour uniform with other teeth.
The effect of an intra-dental whitening is permanent and the whitening does not require to be repeated; the colour of whitened non-vital teeth is uniform with other teeth.
Oral surgery and periodontology FAQ
The pain usually goes away a few hours after extraction; a doctor prescribes painkillers to relieve it.
Yes, it is possible thanks to immediate prostheses insertion right after extraction.
No, an antibiotic is administered only in case of difficult extraction to prevent complications in the extraction wound healing.
Yes, tobacco smoking significantly increases the risk of complicated wound healing; when healing process is painful and difficult an additional appointment to secure the wound with appropriate medication may be required – such visit is free of charge in our practice.
Properly performed scaling of tartar deposits is not harmful to the enamel.
Tartar removal rate depends on the level of oral hygiene and saliva composition – the more minerals in saliva, the greater tartar deposition; on average, tartar should be removed every 1-3 years.
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